Choosing The Right Diamond Engagement Ring – Beyond The 4cs

by | Feb 23, 2017 | Jewellery

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When you are wondering how to pick the right engagement ring, there are many different factors to consider. You may want to choose a vintage diamond ring that appeals to your tastes and preferences for antique and beautiful jewelry. However you may also want a brand new ring that sparkles and shines with all of the bells and whistles. No matter whether you choose a new or antique ring, you can benefit from knowing just what to look for.

The diamond’s shape

When choosing diamonds, the traditional parameters for making the best selection include the diamond’s cut, clarity, color, and carat. However there are other factors to consider when choosing the perfect diamond engagement ring. Your fiance may have expressed a preference for which shape they want in their ring. There are different shapes when it comes to choosing diamonds and these include pear, round, heart, oval, radiant, and more.

Selecting the best diamond engagement ring band

In addition to considering the diamond’s shape, you can also consider the diamond’s band. The band will encircle your beloved’s finger and is just as important a consideration as the actual stone in and of itself. You can find the perfect stone such as a princess cut diamond but if your bride to be likes a silver band instead of a gold band, you will want to take this into account as well when choosing the best diamond engagement ring.

Certified or uncertified diamonds

When you have to choose between certified or uncertified diamonds, the tendency may be to choose certified diamonds. These are considered higher in value than their uncertified counterparts. However this is actually a misnomer. Certified diamonds are only higher in price because the cost of certification needs to be factored into their purchase price.

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