An online cigar shop makes it easy to buy a variety of cigars relatively easy. Cigar enthusiasts can order cigars right from home and have them shipped directly to their doorstep. Even for a novice, you can locate an online cigar store that offers single cigars or samplers, giving you a chance to explore your options.
Before making a purchase, you’ll want to make sure that the cigar website of your choice offers a few important features, and you’ll want to complete a few steps before you place your order.
Factors to Consider When Placing Online Cigar Shop Orders
If you are considering an online cigar shop for your next supply of cigars, you should consider the following factors:
1. Find a site with fresh cigars.
You’ll want to contact the online cigar website and ask if they keep their cigar inventory in a humidor. The ideal environment is 70 degrees F and 70% humidity to uphold the cigar quality. If you want fresh, quality cigars don’t hesitate to ask.
2. Check the country of origin of the cigar and cigar wrapper.
The cigar origin and the type of tobacco wrapper can affect the taste of the cigar, so check to see if the origin and wrapper suit your taste.
3. Check the shipping and return policy.
It’s important that you find an online cigar shop that aims for customer satisfaction. This is important for a cigar shop and online cigar vendor. See if the website offers some type of recourse if the product is defective or unsatisfactory, because of an error on their part. Cigars may dry out during the shipping process, so you can restore moisture by placing the cigars in a humidor.
4. Locate a merchant who sells cigar singles.
Cigar singles are a great option for someone who is trying cigars for the first time or for a person who wants to try something new. By purchasing a single or even a sampler box, it allows you to taste a specific cigar without buying a whole box.
5. Make sure the company has a secure website.
Finding a reputable online cigar merchant is important. The last thing you want is for someone to gain access to your personal information such as credit card number or contact information. Take a look and see if the website uses SSL or data encryption technology. Additionally, if you have to create an account to make a purchase, make sure your password contains a combination of letters and numbers.
6. Look for a company that offers easy customer service accessibility.
Make sure that the website offers easy access to customer service. Whether it is a telephone number or chat service, you’ll want to confirm that you can contact the company directly if you have any questions or issues with your order.